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5 Handy Google Chrome Extensions for Recruiter

None of the browsers has as many helpful extensions for recruiter as Google's Chrome - there's even a separate section under 'Tools for the Office' which means 'Human Resources and Law'. Among these apps are many free, but also some paid applications. They offer support or even complete solutions from candidate management programs to appointment management or video interview tools. Certainly big and small helpers, but nothing hidden and no clever 'hacks' for recruiters. Because these are not in the category Human Resources.

By the way: The Google Chrome Webstore can be found either under 'Extensions' or here. The Webstore is a platform on which Google-authorized add-ons or applications can be downloaded. There are hundreds of them - only a part is proposed in this store. So far, it was the case that one could download and install these apps exclusively with a Google account and the login - since September of this year (here the link), this is no longer necessary for the apps.

Practical Chrome Extensions for Recruiters

Profi Active Sourcer prefer Chrome because of the many app helpers. - Worldwide, the screens of the sourcing professionals all look almost the same - hardly anyone has installed under 30 extensions. Some of these helpful 'shortcuts' (shortcuts to solutions) are also very handy recruiting aids and should not be missing from any recruiter in Chrome:

Below you will find our 5 practical tips:

1. Bitly

Bitly truncates URL (, the name and link leading to the site in the browser). If you have a link to e.g. to pass on a candidate to download the job description, this could look like this in the original:
Not very nice, right? Bitly is a URL Shortener or Link Shorter. Of course, you can also enter the link manually on the Bitly website at (awkward: open a new browser window and transfer it via copy-paste). Bitly cuts the link as well. But with the Chrome extension it is easier: You click on the Bitly button, which appears after installation in your browser (above recths), if you are on the website whose URL you want to shorten. And then your shortened link looks a bit better:
Not bad, but it works better. Because now Bitly offers something very practical (which bitly different from other free URL shorteners): You can redesign the once saved link. In our case to e.g.
That looks a lot better in your message to the candidate, right? (... and by the way also, if you share news in the social media streams a much more appreciative gesture - just as an inspiration for improvement on the occasion of my view just in my stream at Xing ...)

2. Search Preview

"SearchPreview for Chrome" inserts thumbnails from websites into Google, Bing and Yahoo search results. So, together with your result list, you will get a small thumbnail for each web page (if there are any pictures) and you can filter the found pages in advance. In addition, the rankings of the pages are displayed for the individual entries.

3. Black Menu

You have many tabs on the screen with different websites open and now you want to quickly look into one of the Google services something, e.g. Google Maps? Then the direct route becomes difficult, because you have to go back and then come to Google Maps via the Google interface and navigation bar to the right. Black Menu solves this problem by always offering a black menu on the right side of the main Google services.
Very handy: However, with a small drawback that there are also listed Google's US services that we do not reach here and that are not there for us. But it is a clear abbreviation and in a click you are there when, for example, Quick to see if a candidate who has accounted miles correctly or you want to google something:

4. Connectifier

This Chrome browser extension is brand new and of course perfect for social recruiting and sourcing with LinkedIn - and all other networkers. It works in such a way that if you move the mouse over the link to the profile, then many or all other social media accounts of the one on whose link you are driving appear on the right ... the rest is just for a recruiter, just awesome:
Please note: Most apps come from the USA (except for the one coming from Belarus) and Xing does not play a big role there. On the other hand, Xing has not opened the interfaces to their content (called API) for all developers as well as all other social media portals (here Info) - and not to forget: Many users in Xing do not make their profile public. Therefore, the Connectifier and the following tool does not work with Xing.

5. Lippl

Actually a Sourcer tool - but since many have a freemium account in LinkedIn, they are worth gold. Why? Quite simply, one click on the Lippl app and you see the public profile (and the photo!) Of a candidate - even if this is just a 3rd level contact (assuming he has publicized his profile, which is much more likely in LinkedIn is, as in Xing). Of course you can also copy the browser line for this profile into a new window in incognito mode - then the same happens. But so you have the result in one click:
You should know that many have your corporate website or contact in the contact area in Linkedin deposited - for third-level contacts you see the company just as little as the contact button is reached. We have estimated this in an international sourcing group: It is probably about half of all Linkedin contacts who deposit there any other contact detail (or did not realize that it is public). And even if there is no data: you can see the photo of the LinkedIn contact, with Lippl directly. Otherwise you will have to sign out of Linkedin to see or check it. Thank you Victor Soroka, Senior Sourcer Senior Talent Acquisition Manager at EPAM Systems in Belarus, who wrote this addon.
Oh and by the way: Lippl works on Facebook too, here we have a similar phenomenon. When you log in to Facebook, you often do not see the contact details of people you are not connected to - but the contact details appear on the public profile ...
Please let us know in the commentary whether we could help you with this list - we would be delighted if you could supplement our list with your favorite addons and share them with others.
As we all bloggers know that with Google Chrome Extension we save our time and data and do blogging in relax mode during blogging. Here you can find some more Google Chrome Extensions which will really help you all.



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